Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Please tell me I am not the only one that finds this funny.

Maybe it's just because I am in the industry, but I loved the passive agressive notes post today:

if you’ve ever bought twizzlers from a vending machine, you probably know that there’s a good one-in-three chance that one tiny corner of the plastic packaging is gonna get stuck, and then (bang on the glass all you want) only yielding after an extra 75 cents is inserted. some folks, however, aren’t willing to condone that kind of stubbornness in their packaged sweets.


sarah said...

I love it. That's awesome.

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

Hmm I need a warning like that for EVERY item in the vending machine. Just stay away, Katie!

Pamela said...

thank you for linking this site. it opened up a whole new box of worms. i don't think i've done anything else for like an hour. this is bad...

Jersey Girl said...

I think that's hysterical. I never heard of that website, it'll be something else to do at work!

Jamie said...

That is hilarious.....speaking of vending machines.....do you know of the vending machine challenge? I assume since you're in the biz you do. If not, google it. Its hilarious. I know someone who tried it once. Didn't make it....