Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Thursday thought

Today I had an epiphany. If Nathan and I got one to two more dogs, could that possibly extinguish his desire to have children?


Oh, and I am happy to annouce I received a blogging award. I will post all the good details once I can get a nice, composed blog together.


Anonymous said...

Does Nathan want kids soon?

And nope, new doggie does not get rid of the baby fever. I didn't work.

Carrie said...

Distinguish or extinguish?

Nathan has baby fever? Are you one of those horrible, horrible women who doesn't want any pet humans?

Mary said...

Ew, babies! Not that I had much desire, but anything I had went away when we adopted Levi. So, the more the merrier, right?

Jamie said...

Yes, I think extinguish. But no....I don't think it will. BUT I have an adorable little puggle you can borrow ANY time you'd like. You know. Just in case. OHHHH....maybe if you 'borrowed' a baby or a toddler THAT would extinguish his desire. Yes, I think that's what you need to do. Preferrably one with colic.

Claire Uncorked said...

I think that if you can handle another dog or 2, there are certainly dogs out there that need a good home like yours!

Will it kill the idea of human babies? Probably not, although it could...but if you don't want them, then, well, don't have them. Easy for me to say, I married another one that shares my allergy.

gv said...

Congrats on winning! My advice...get a dog and a baby! FYI-I'm Kristal's friend.

Scazar said...

Well, 2 cats hasn't diminished my parents desire for grandchildren or my grandparents desire for great grandchildren, so I have to say no.