Thursday, September 3, 2009

What a fabulous idea....

I have been such a Debbie Downer lately. I have done my best not to project my negative attitude on others, but it is tough. A smart little lady on my local message board started a post today that completely turned my attitude around. The title of the post was simply, "what makes you happy?"

I started writing and felt a huge wave of calmness come over me. The more I wrote, the better I felt and I had to make myself stop at 20 just so I didn't turn my post into a novel. The rest of my day was great. I caught up on work, organized my desk, and cleaned out my inbox which for me is a fabulous feeling.

In between all of this happy productiveness and reading other responses, I was reminded of a series I saw on another blog (which of course I can't remember) called "Grace in Small Things". Almost daily the blogger posted 5 things that were little bits of happiness for them. Everytime I read the 5 things I instantly felt better.

In honor of this, I am going to start my own little series called "It's the little things....". While I doubt I will blog these things daily, you can expect to see it fairly often from now on. If anyone else would like to do the series as well, feel free to join in...either in the comments or in your own blog. It's great therapy!


Kristen said...

great idea! I may have to join you on that!

Angie said...

I agree, I love reading happy posts. My bloog yfriend Randall at Happy for this Moment does that too, and she calls it Silent Gratitude. She always posts 5 things that are making her happy at that moment. It's awesome.

Pamela said...


Sarah said...

yay! :)